Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does my order status mean?

Pending – Your order is pending and will start shortly.

In progress / Processing – Your order has been accepted and is on the way to being completed.

Completed – The work on your post / page is now complete.

Cancelled / Refunded – Your order is no longer running. Your funds have been automatically returned to your available balance.

Partial – Your order was partially delivered, and you have been automatically refunded for what was remaining. This can happen if the service you ordered is temporarily unavailable or there was an error delivering your order.

Why was my order cancelled / refunded?

The main reason for orders failing is due to using an incorrect link. Please check the example link format on the new order page or contact support if you require assistance.

The second most common reason is if the page or posts statistics are set to private. For example, if your “like count” is private, we may be unable to deliver the order and it will be automatically cancelled.

Other reasons for cancelation include:

Your content violates the social media platforms terms / conditions.
You already have an order for the same link / service in progress.
Your follower, like or view count has dropped below your orders start counter.
The service is temporarily overloaded / under maintenance. In this case, please try and resubmit the order at a later date.

What quantity should I enter?

You must enter a quantity above the minimum and below the maximum amount specified for each package.

Which link should I use?

You can see an example link for each service on the new order page. The link should point towards the post or page that will be promoted. For example, if you are ordering Instagram followers, enter your Instagram page link. Alternatively, if you are ordering Instagram likes, you should enter the link of the post you want to promote.

When will my order start?

Orders usually start within 0-24 hours. Each service is different, and more details can be found on our services page. Speeds can vary depending on how busy we are. If your order does not start after 24 hours feel free to open a support ticket.

What do I do if I have entered an incorrect link?

Please remember to ensure that you always double check your links. If you have entered an invalid link (such as ordering YouTube views to your Facebook profile link), your order will most likely be refunded. If your order is stuck, create a support ticket containing your order ID. If you have entered a valid link that points to the wrong page, please contact us via support ticket. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to refund orders like this, as most of our services start instantly.